
AMP's Guiding and Design Principles

Our Guiding Principles will help facilitate purposeful decisions and actions by ensuring the alignment of OSU’s values and practices. The principles will provide clear direction to OSU community members working on AMP. Because they are transparent and specific, Guiding Principles lead to successful administrative work and provide actionable guidance when the organization is faced with competing objectives.

Our Design Principles will help the project team ensure its activities, approach and decisions are fully aligned with the desired outcomes for AMP. They will help the team retain functional and administrative consistency while maintaining alignment with the priorities of the organization.

AMP Guiding and Design Principles

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles are intended to provide boundaries or guardrails to assist decision-makers in judgment and responsible initiative related to a specific outcome or objective while keeping negative impact or risk at an acceptable level. They help decision makers select an approach or direction and know when to escalate decisions, thus enabling the organization to take action more quickly.



Team members will ENGAGE with OSU community members using intentional strategies.

Achieving this principle will:

  • Enable early and robust input, so design is informed by the best possible ideas
  • Provide robust communications to the community at all stages of the implementation


In working to TRANSFORM processes and systems, team members will prioritize data-informed solutions that improve the user experience.

Achieving this principle will create:

  • Improved user experiences
  • Better clarity around roles
  • Access to insights and trusted data
  • Efficiency and effectiveness


Team members will DELIVER flexible and scalable processes and tools to expand organizational capacity.

Achieving this principle will cultivate:

  • An improved capacity for innovation and continuous improvement
  • Greater efficiency in administration
  • Adaptability as conditions change

Design Principles

Our Design Principles ensure that changes stay true to the overarching vision of a set of shared, adaptable, business-enabling capabilities. They will also aid our purposeful judgment in decision-making and action-taking when designing new processes​ and implementing new tools. Consensus on principles—across all teams involved in implementing new capabilities or making changes to existing, core capabilities—is critical to ensuring that individuals self-regulate and adhere to the principles, even without traditional top-down governance mechanisms.



To promote trust and accountability in AMP, we will create TRANSPARENT and reliable processes that integrate functions into a unified system.

Achieving this principle means:

Championing change. We will equip people for change through targeted training that speaks to audiences’ language, preparing the community for change and using new tools and processes.

Inclusion and engagement. We will bring unique perspectives and backgrounds to the redesign of the university’s digital experience and administrative business processes to ensure the transformation is inclusive, equitable and accessible to all.

Leadership alignment. Leadership will support and work collaboratively to achieve our administrative modernization goals.

Transparent decisions. Project teams commit to transparency in decision-making and issue resolution to ensure complete and accurate information is widely shared with the university community.

Strong and transparent governance. We will make thoughtful and deliberate decisions through transparent, decisive and inclusive governance.

Communicate frequently and fully. We will engage in active and effective communication that promotes trust and accountability to the university community.

Data as a strategic asset. We will implement technology through the lens of data by using best practices to deliver the right data, to the right person, in the right manner, from any device.

Measure community readiness. The success of change management will be measured by the university community’s preparedness and readiness to change.



We will provide an EFFICIENT, user-friendly, adaptable and secure experience by designing EFFECTIVE processes and systems.

Achieving this principle means:

Measuring impact. We will measure the impact of transformed processes with qualitative and quantitative key performance indicators to track ongoing performance and facilitate continuous improvement.

Current processes will not be recreated with new technology. We will reconceptualize and redesign our administrative business processes, policies and technologies to improve the student, faculty and staff experience.

Everything is on the table for possible adjustment or redesign. We will design systems how we would optimally want them. The design of our future state will not be constrained by the status quo.

Prioritizing the user experience. We will establish and deploy processes that are human-centered and help people deliver their best work by simplifying from the user’s experience as opposed to optimizing from the administrator’s experience.

Maintaining capability levels. We will create solutions fit for purpose without over-engineering or expensive customizations, while managing costs and maximizing impact.

Simplification and consistency. Administrative business processes will be simplified and consistent across the university to reduce administrative burdens for the university community.

Data-informed decisions. We will make business and technology decisions with quantitative and qualitative data.

Intentional systems architecture. We will architect and align our systems and data to be cloud native, resilient, sustainable, interoperable and within our cyber security framework to simplify IT, free the data and create organizational agility.

Maximizing resources. We will reallocate resources to the highest and best use to achieve the goals of the university and the highest level of strategic impact.